
I have been instructor of record for undergraduate courses in digital humanities, 1st year writing and composition,  postcolonial/decolonial studies & film. Below are some course portfolios.


OCEAN LITERATURES (primary instructor) UNC Chapel Hill // Fall 2019, Fall 2020 DIGITAL HUMANITIES, a core writing course for undergraduates at UNC Chapel Hill that explores race, mapping, and digital media // 2020, 2021
AMERICAN FILMS OF THE 90s (Teaching Assistant) UNC Chapel Hill // Fall 2018

INTRO TO COMP&RHET, a core course for undergraduates at UNC Chapel Hill // 2017, 2018, 2019

MIGRATION AND MOVEMENT, an undergraduate course syllabus for teaching narratives of migration, decolonization, race, and gender in contemporary literature. supported by a grant by Duke University’s Representing Humanities Migration Lab // Spring 2018


ZINES, an adaptable tutorial aimed at introducing people to zine culture‘s Black, Indigenous,  poc, and lgbtq roots. taught in conjunction with poetry, composition and rhetoric, & gender studies classes, on university classrooms, outside, collective bookstores, and summer camps // ongoing

POSITING NEPANTLA, a workshop that explores conflicts in poc spaces inspired by Gloria Anzaldúa‘s theory of nepantla. developed in collaboration with Meli Kimathi (UNC Communication) and Gale Greenlee (UNC English), originally for El Mundo Zurdo 2018’s conference at Trinity University in San Antonio // Summer 2018