

2022. “National Properties, National Ecologies: Postcolonial and ecocritical engagements with Mikhail Red's Birdshot (2016),” edited collection Ecologies in Southeast Asian Media and Popular Culture, ed. Dr. Jason Telles and Dr. Charles Ryan.

2023. “Aquaculture’s Visual Culture: Scientific Documentation and the Transformation of Freshwater,” special issue on Science and Technology Studies (STS) in Philippine Studies: Ethnographic and Historical Viewpoints,” eds. Paul Michael Leonardo Atienza and Dr. Kat Gutierrez.

2023. “Shifting Atmospheres in Typhoon Media.” Forum piece for ASAPJ special issue on crisis, eds. Suzanne Enzerink, Christine Okoth.

-email me if you’d like a pdf: trisha [dot] remetir [at] ucr.edu


Notes on the Next University, written for the PAGE Fellowship 2020.